power load consumption data, mixed customer types, summarized data
Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) added 16.2.2017
power load consumption data, households and enterprises, summarized data
New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) added 17.2.2017
power load consumption data, small and medium enterprises, summarized data
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies STU in Bratislava added 17.2.2017
power load consumption data, photovoltaic production, households
Pecan Street Inc. added 17.2.2017 updated 21.10.2020
power load consumption data, mixed customer types, summarized data
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) added 17.2.2017
power load consumption data, individual household and enterprise data
Irish Social Science Data Archive added 17.2.2017
power load consumption data, photovoltaic production, households
Ausgrid added 07.4.2017
photovoltaic production, multi-plant photovoltaic farms
ECML PKDD 2017 added 02.11.2017
power load consumption data, households
ZSDis added 14.11.2018
power load consumption data, various enterprises
ZSDis added 16.11.2018
weather data, solar radiation
Oikolab added 18.10.2020